Is there Childcare Fee Assistance for military service members?
YES! Child Care Aware of America (CCAoA) offers a fee assistance program for military dependents who are out-of-range of on-post childcare and wish to enroll at a participating facility.
- A formula is used to calculate the amount granted to families: the difference between the community childcare center’s monthly tuition and total family income (TFI). High-cost installation localities and provider caps are factors included in the formula.
- Childcare fee assistance programs are not to be confused with Respite Care. Respite Care is a separate CCAoA program for Air Force and Navy families, providing support to children with special needs.
Who is eligible?
Fee assistance is available for service members who serve in the Army, Navy, Air force, and Marines. However, each branch varies in its application process. All families must prove their residence is 15 miles or 20 minutes further from on-post or military installation childcare.
- Please note: to qualify, the military spouse must work a minimum of 16 hours to be eligible for part-time or 25 hours to be eligible for full-time fee assistance. If the military spouse is in school, you will need to verify your intended degree.
How do I apply?
Complete the process in Five Steps:
Step One) Determine Eligibility Status.
The following service members are eligible for fee assistance:
- Active Duty/Deployed Active Duty
- Guard/Reserve activated under Title 10 or Title 32 Federal orders
- Guard/Reserve activated deployed under Title 10 or Title 32 Federal orders
- DA Civilians
- Guard Technicians/Reserve Technicians
- U.S. Air Force Dual Status Technicians
- Survivors of Combat Fallen Warriors
Step Two) Select a qualifying program or participating childcare facility. See the details below.
- It is important to understand that the accredited provider must be verified as a participating member within the Military Child Care In Your Neighborhood (MCCYN). If the childcare facility is not on the list of providers, you may invite them to consider becoming a provider or choose from one of the providers on the list. A statement of non-availability may be submitted if the on-post childcare facility cannot accommodate and a family must seek a provider elsewhere.
Step Three) Collect the required documents. Also, see the details below.
Step Four) Apply online. The Army also provides a paper application.
Step Five) Document review and processing. Complete paperwork is needed to expedite the application appropriately.
- After completion of your application, CCAoA will contact you within 3-5 days. When the review is complete, CCAoA works with your provider to submit monthly payments.
Army Fee Assistance
- CCAoA grants fee assistance to non-school age children enrolled in 16 or more hours of childcare, and school-age children enrolled in 6 during the school year. The program also requires a fixed schedule and does not cover seasonal breaks and holidays.
- The Army subsidy calculates its fee assistance by the monthly provider fee and TFI, with a provider cap rate of up to $1500.
- Once you select a provider within the Military Child Care In Your Neighborhood (MCCYN), you’ll need to call and verify their eligibility at 1-800-424-2246.
Forms needed to apply:
- Orders/SF-50/DA3434
- Spouse paystubs/school schedule
- Self-certification form
- Statement of Non-Availability
- Provider Application documents
Air Force Fee Assistance
- The process is very similar to the Army. However, you’ll need to create a family profile to prove a military installation is not accessible in your area of residence.
- Once your profile is complete, choose an MCCYN approved provider and begin the application process.
Forms needed to apply:
- Orders/SF-50
- Spouse pay stubs/school schedule
- Self-certification form
- Installation Child Care Request form
- Provider Application documents
Navy and Marines Fee Assistance
- The Navy and Marines fee assistance programs are currently waitlisting applicants. You’ll need to create a family profile at, using an active email address.
- Once you have completed your profile, submit your name and email address on the Waitlist Acknowledgement Form on CCAoA. Be sure to click on the corresponding branch when submitting the form. A specialist will send a message with regards to completing your CCAoA application.
More on Child Care Aware of America
- Child Care Aware of America is a non-profit organization, in partnership with the Military and Department of Defense.
- After its inception in 1987, CCAoA’s mission is to promote the growth and learning of children by implementing policies, events, and creating resources for families and childcare providers. It aims to serve children and enrich their lives with affordable and accessible childcare.
- CCAoA now works with approximately 400 child care Resource and Referral agencies in the United States. The agencies serve over 860,000 families per year.
- Some resources include licensing information and childcare facts. These are great research tools to keep families up-to-date about providers in their community.
Cristina Van Orden is a literary writer and active military spouse. She holds an MFA from Antioch University and taught K-12 English before working in editorial. Cristina currently resides on base with her husband and children.